Category Archives: Book News


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That is all I have to say about The Keatyn Chronicles.

I’ve followed Keatyn on her journey for so long and I’m unbelievably proud of all she’s done.

Jillian Dodd did an amazing job with the series which makes it so hard to say goodbye..

The drama, the characters, and everything else in between was divine chaos.

Perfect. Divine. Chaos.


Aiden, Dawson, Riley, Maggie, Katie, Dallas, and even Whitney grew on me and I found myself fall in love with their drama, their relationships, and their hearts.

I don’t want to give too much away because I highly HIGHLY recommend you read the series. But I will tell you that you will be on a never-ending rollercoaster of emotions.

Goodbye Keatyn and see you the next time I re-read the entire series. 🙂

Until next time….

Catcha later bookworms!


Stalk Me.  (Bookwormstothemax Review)

Kiss Me (Bookwormstothemax Review)


Bookworms, thank you all for being the best group of followers ever. Since creating Bookwormstothemax, my love for reading grows every day. You all inspire me to expand my reading genres and to become an overall better reader. Being a blogger has made me realize the becoming an author could be somewhere in my future. Knowing you guys love and support Bookwormstothemax means more than you know.

I love you guys! All 200 of you! 🙂

Until next time….

Catcha later bookworms!


Welcome to another Feature Friday, Bookworms!

 Every Friday, you can see cool bookish videos, announcements, guest bloggers, author interviews, and much more! So come back and see what’s new! If you are a blogger or author who would like to participate in a Feature Friday, contact me through my email: bookworm(underscore)tothemax(at)yahoo(dot)com ! As always, leave a comment if you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi!

This Friday, I am proud to have Rebekah Crane here on Bookwormstothemax. Thank you so much Rebekah for taking the time to do an interview!


Eileen: Your upcoming novel, Aspen, will be released pretty soon. How would you describe it in one word?

Rebekah: Honest.


Eileen: Aspen has some interesting characters. Were they based on people you know?

Rebekah: No one specific. Sometimes character’s little quirks are inspired by people I know (like Leona and Toaster in ASPEN), but never anything big. Though I will say, there is something about Ben that is very specific to me, but I’m not revealing that. 🙂


Eileen: If you had to choose, which writer (or writers) would you consider as a mentor?

Rebekah: Jane Austen, Jane Austen, JANE AUSTEN! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Ok, I won’t list everything, but she is my idol. Her ease of wit and humor is amazing. Her slight (and not slight) commentary on society and the inner workings of people is truly brilliant. Yes… I want to have her brain.


Eileen: What book/books are you reading now?

Rebekah: I have a few books going at the same time. Right now, I’m just about done with Bethany Crandell’s YA debut SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS. It’s brilliant. She and I are so similar it’s crazy. We might take over the world together. I’m also reading Jessica Park’s new novel FLAT-OUT CELESTE. I’ve been with the book since the beginning; I’m so damn invested and I love this story. And I just downloaded LAST CHILD IN THE WOODS.


Eileen: As a writer, what is the hardest part in writing a novel?

Rebekah: For me, it’s patience. So much of publishing is waiting. Waiting for the story to take shape. Waiting for editors to get back to you. Waiting for readers to read your book. Waiting for publication dates. And it never ends. When one book goes to print, there’s always another story to be written. I have to remind myself to breathe.


Eileen: What advice would you give an aspiring author (a.k.a Meeeee!)?

Rebekah: Learn to take criticism and find good people to give it to you.


Eileen: Is there a reason you chose to write novels in the Young Adult genre over other genres?

Rebekah: I never considered writing anything other than YA. Teenagers are so raw. Everything sits on the surface and at the same time is buried so deep. It’s awesome to explore that within characters and stories.


Eileen: When did you decide to become an author?

Rebekah: When I turned 30. I’m not one of those people who knew that they wanted to be a writer from birth. I wanted to star on Broadway when I was in high school. I wasn’t even in honors English.


Eileen: How do you get rid of writer’s block?

Rebekah: I do a lot of yoga. I also talk to my writer friends. They help a lot.


Eileen: What are you working on now? a sequel? anything new?

Rebekah: My next book is called CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE. It’s a dark comedy about a summer camp for teenagers with “heightened mental and emotional states”– basically kids with depression, anxiety, compulsive lying, eating disorders, all the way to schizophrenia. I pitched it as The Breakfast Club on crack at summer camp. I absolutely LOVE writing it.

There you have it bookworms! Aspen releases June 5th. Buy it. Read it. Love it.

Thank you for joining us again, Rebekah!

Author Bio


Rebekah Crane fell in love with YA literature while studying Secondary English Education at Ohio University. After having two kids, living in six different cities, and finally settling down in the foothills of her beloved Rocky Mountains, her first novel, PLAYING NICE, was published. ASPEN, her second YA novel, set in Boulder, CO, is due to release in summer 2014 from In This Together Media. She now spends her day carpooling kids or tucked behind a laptop at 7,500 ft high in the Rockies, where the altitude only enhances the experience. 






Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Check them out!

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is Top Ten Book Covers I’d Frame as Art. To make things easier, I decided to pick covers of books that I already own or else I’d spend hours sifting through Goodreads and Barnes and Noble!


Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi : I love how intricate the cover is and how powerful it is. I literally sit in class all day long sketching this cover!


Alienated by Melissa Landers : Even though I did not like the books as much as I though I would, the reason I was so drawn to Alienated was because of the cover. The models look stunning and the background totally compliments the cover!


Left Drowning by Jessica Park : Simplicity is beautiful. This cover would be something I would hang in my room. In matter of fact, maybe I might just do that. 🙂


Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare : This cover is just WOW. It’s like something you would see in a big art museum. Hence, the reason why it’s on my Top Ten. 😀


The Infinite Moment of Us by Lauren Myracle : If you see the cover in person, you would love it as much as I do. The colors of the background and the font is just perfection!


Perfect by Ellen Hopkins : What more can I say? PERFECT!


Glimmerglass by Jenna Black : I love the arrangement of the cover and how chic it is!


Fallen by Lauren Kate : I love the darkness and mystery behind this cover! It intrigued me to envelop myself within the novel.


Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick : The gray cover, the image, and the feathers are perfect to represent Hush, Hush.


The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting : The simple flower is an amazing representation of the novel. (And I’m just obsessed with flowers!)

Until next time…

Catcha later bookworms!


Hello, Bookworms and welcome to this week’s Feature Friday. Every Friday, you can see cool bookish videos, announcements, author interviews, and much more! So come back and see what’s new! This Friday is an author interview with the amazing, Britt Nunes! Thank you Britt for taking the time to answer these questions and joining us here on Bookwormstothemax!

Interview Questions

Britt: First off, let me say you made this little, literary dork so ecstatic that you asked me for an interview! Thank you so very much, I’m sending you spaceships full of thanks! Okay, now I’ll get into your questions.


Eileen: Where did you get the idea for your debut novel, Etched?

Britt:  The idea for Etched came from desperation. I just trashed a story I was trying to make work, and had nothing rolling around in my head; which is a very heartbreaking thing for a writer. I work in a grocery store, in the bakery mostly, and when I label my product to put out I have so many labels that I roll them up and slap them on my forearm. Yup, simple as that! It started off with a few questions: What if someone had to hide something on their forearm? Why? What would it be? Then, the prologue and first chapter popped into my head. Opening a word document, I started to write. I didn’t even know what I was writing; I just needed to write something! This nameless girl had a story for me, and I would discover all her secrets if I just kept writing.


Eileen: Why did you decide to become an author?

Britt:Because my characters will not leave me alone, and it seems to be okay to talk to all the imaginary people in your head if you say you’re an author (hahaha…writer humor). I’m a dork; I can’t help poking fun at myself. I always dabbled in writing, but it wasn’t until I was college that I started taking it seriously. It’s funny that I never took any writing courses, other than required English, but I loved words and stories. It wasn’t until I finished my first novel (it’s trashed now), that I thought of myself as a writer. Having a completed novel just makes you want to share it with everybody, hoping they get as enthralled as you did.


Eileen:If you could meet any author, who would it be? and why?

Britt: It’s a tie between two: Teri Hall & Marissa Meyers.

They are both amazing writers and storytellers. Hall’s books actually gave me a lot of inspiration when I first started writing Etched.


Eileen:  What is your favorite book (or books) ?

Britt: Teri Hall: The Line Series

She has amazing prose and the plot was sweet. It was such a quick, fun read. That series has a special spot in my heart.

Marissa Meyers: The Lunar Chronicles

I love this series (can’t wait for Winter!). It has everything, action, amazing plot, and romance. Her books make me feel like a terrible writer because that’s just how awesome they are!


Eileen: What is your writing environment like?

Britt:Ideally: Starbuck’s coffee, my laptop, early in the morning (like 4 AM/6 AM), and alone in my apartment.

Normally: Starbuck’s coffee (that’s the one think I can’t skimp on…I need my coffee!), and whenever my mind is awake enough for complex thinking. I work midnights – baking breads, bagels, pies, cookies, etc. – all through the night, so when I get off my brain, most times, refuses to work. So, I take what I can get; which means my writing schedule is all over the place. I also write everywhere it’s comfortable and quiet, switching from my table, to my bed, to the floor, and sometimes even the bathroom.


Eileen: How do you balance writing with other things in your life?

Britt: I’m still learning that…hahaha. My goal is to become a full-time writer; I think that would help a lot with my balancing.


Eileen: What advice would you give an inspiring author?

Britt: It’s nothing new, but it’s oh so true…kept writing. Also, do your research, search out people who will give you honest feedback, don’t be scared to trash work that doesn’t work for your overall story (yes, even stuff you would sell your kid brother to keep), and don’t give up. All I have is my love for words, stories, and determination. Not to be all daytime talk show on you guys, but if I can do it, you so can too.


Eileen:  Do you have any hobbies or interests unrelated to books?

Britt: I like to hang out with my sisters and be reminded just how much I love their weirdness.


Eileen:If you weren’t an author, what would you be?

Britt: A dinosaur tamer, alien cyborg or a star fisher (hahaha). I’m an author. I can’t seem to fight it, trust me I’ve tried, my characters always win. Anything else is just crazy talk!


Eileen: What are you working on now? a sequel? something new?

Britt: I’m in the middle of editing the next installment of The Etched Tales, Hushed (#2). I’m also, brainstorming for the 3rd book. Lastly, I’m trying to thwart off a new series that is creeping into my brain (Get back! Get back! I have the Tales to finish! Hahaha). My brain is always loud with chaos.

Thank you Britt for joining Feature Friday on Bookwormstothemax!

Author Bio


Britt Nunes

I write to give my literary lungs a stretch – to express and explore. I write because I’m a dork that’s addicted to rich words, suspenseful stories, flecks of romance, and massive amounts of coffee. So people can be whisked away for as long as their nose is safely tucked inside my story.  For the teenager that’s trapped inside my body that clamors for more pages to read. I write out of pure insanity, weirdoness, and overall, love.






April Book Haul!

So excited for me to show you these books! Currently, I am reading The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin, and it is so good so far! There will be several awesome announcements coming soon so stay posted!

1) The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han- Belly measures her life in summers. Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time to count the weeks until the next summer, a place away from the beach house, away from Susannah, and most importantly, away from Jeremiah and Conrad. They are the boys that Belly has known since her very first summer–they have been her brother figures, her crushes, and everything in between. But one summer, one terrible and wonderful summer, the more everything changes, the more it all ends up just the way it should have been all along.

2) The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin- Mara Dyer doesn’t think life can get any stranger than waking up in a hospital with no memory of how she got there. It can. She believes there must be more to the accident she can’t remember that killed her friends and left her mysteriously unharmed. There is. She doesn’t believe that after everything she’s been through, she can fall in love. She’s wrong.

3) Of Poseidon by Anna Banks- Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he’s heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma’s gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom…

4) Things I Can’t Forget by Miranda Kenneally- Kate has always been the good girl. Too good, according to some people at school—although they have no idea the guilty secret she carries. But this summer, everything is different… This summer she’s a counselor at Cumberland Creek summer camp, and she wants to put the past behind her. This summer Matt is back as a counselor too. He’s the first guy she ever kissed, and he’s gone from a geeky songwriter who loved The Hardy Boys to a buff lifeguard who loves to flirt–with her.Kate used to think the world was black and white, right and wrong. Turns out, life isn’t that easy…

5) Send Me a Sign by Tiffany Schmidt- Mia is always looking for signs. A sign that she should get serious with her soccer-captain boyfriend. A sign that she’ll get the grades to make it into an Ivy-league school. One sign she didn’t expect to look for was: “Will I survive cancer?” It’s a question her friends would never understand, prompting Mia to keep her illness a secret. The only one who knows is her lifelong best friend, Gyver, who is poised to be so much more. Mia is determined to survive, but when you have so much going your way, there is so much more to lose. From debut author Tiffany Schmidt comes a heart-wrenching and ultimately uplifting story of one girl’s search for signs of life in the face of death.

I’d love to hear from you guys. Leave a comment below!

Until next time….

Catcha later bookworms!!



I am so excited to share this book with you all.

I bet most of you know by now that I absolutely LOVE Colleen Hoover. She writes, in my opinion, the best contemporary romance novels. I recently did a review on her newest book, Maybe Someday (See the review here). Her next book is called…

Ugly Love

Goodreads Summary: When Tate Collins meets airline pilot Miles Archer, she knows it isn’t love at first sight. They wouldn’t even go so far as to consider themselves friends. The only thing Tate and Miles have in common is an undeniable mutual attraction. Once their desires are out in the open, they realize they have the perfect set-up. He doesn’t want love, she doesn’t have time for love, so that just leaves the sex. Their arrangement could be surprisingly seamless, as long as Tate can stick to the only two rules Miles has for her.

Never ask about the past.
Don’t expect a future.

They think they can handle it, but realize almost immediately they can’t handle it at all.

Hearts get infiltrated.
Promises get broken.
Rules get shattered.
Love gets ugly.

The cover has not been released yet, but I am so excited to see it! Ugly Love will be released August 5th, 2014.

Until next time…

Catcha later bookworms!


This week’s Waiting On Wednesday is Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins! Okay, I have to admit that I was disappointed with Lola and the Boy Next Door (Review coming soon!). I had high expectations for it and Lola just let me down. I hope that Isla and the Happily Ever After redeems the series. After Anna and Etienne, there are some large shoes to fill. I can’t wait to continue on with the series!!

Goodreads Summary: From the glittering streets of Manhattan to the moonlit rooftops of Paris, falling in love is easy for hopeless dreamer Isla and introspective artist Josh. But as they begin their senior year in France, Isla and Josh are quickly forced to confront the heartbreaking reality that happily-ever-afters aren’t always forever.

Their romantic journey is skillfully intertwined with those of beloved couples Anna and Étienne and Lola and Cricket, whose paths are destined to collide in a sweeping finale certain to please fans old and new.

Until next time….

Catcha later bookworms!


Thank you to Destini from Uniquely Portable Magic for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. It means so much knowing that other great bloggers admire and appreciate my blog. It gives me hope that one day Bookwormstothemax will grow into something big. It is such an honor to be nominated by Uniquely Portable Magic. I have always loved Destini’s blog and her spectacular reviews. She runs one of the best blogs I’ve seen so I definitely urge you to check out her blog! A few months ago, I never thought I’d be interested in starting a blog. After 4 months of blogging, I wouldn’t want my life either way. Being immersed in the book blog community and being able to read such beautiful books inspires me to one day be an author. Thank you to my amazing followers for reading my reviews, giving me your suggestions, and making Bookworms to the max what it is today, You guys rock!

The Beautiful Blogger Award is an honor bestowed by fellow bloggers to show how much they love reading your blog and appreciate the beauty in your words.


1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo.

2. Thank the person who nominated you and create a link back.

3. Nominate 7 (yes only seven) other bloggers and say a little something about them.


1. Little Onion Writes- I LOVE Little Onion’s reviews! Little Onion has the best taste in books and has the funniest posts! Check her out!

2.Book Nerd Erie- I loved booknerderie! She’s my definition of a die-hard bookworm. She is such an amazing follower and leaves me the cutest comments!

3. Under The Mountain- I love Vickie’s blog! I always have to come by her blog to check if a certain book is worth reading.. Check her out!

4. Cool Girls Read Too- Anna’s blog is probably one of my favorite book blogs. Just her homepage is super cute. Her blog is the reason why my TBR list keeps on getting longer and longer!

5. The YA Book Spot-  The YA Book Spot is such a rad blog. Her reviews are amazing, thorough, and make me want each and every book!

6. The YA Bookworm- The YA Bookworm is the first blog I have followed. Caitlin is such a nice blogger and helped me so much by answering my questions when I first started blogging. I definitely recommend that you check her blog out!

7. Readers In Wonderland- Alise runs an amazing blog. I always look forward to her reviews and trust her opinions on books! Check this blog out!

 Until next time….

Catcha later bookworms!!


This week’s Waiting on Wednesday is Aspen by Rebekah Crane!


I am so excited to read this book, bookworms. I JUST received the ARC of Aspen and I can’t wait to share my review with you all. Rebekah Crane never seizes to amaze me. Her books are so meaningful and perfect!

Aspen is scheduled to be released June 5th, 2014.

Goodreads Summary: One quiet night in Boulder, Colorado, Aspen Yellow-Sunrise Taylor made a mistake.

In the next instant, her life changed forever.

Aspen doesn’t want to remember the devastating car accident that killed Katelyn Ryan, a sleek-haired popular soccer player. But forgetting is hard– because Katelyn may have died — but she didn’t leave. Her ghost is following Aspen around, and heading into senior year, it’s kind of a problem. Especially when Katelyn’s gorgeous former boyfriend Ben appears to be the only person at school with a clue as to how Aspen feels.

Popularity, college, Homecoming Court, hot guys – none of these things ever mattered to Aspen. She’s been busy trying to rein in her giant mass of blonde curls, keep her stoner mother Ninny away from Toaster, her mom’s awful bongo drumming boyfriend, and prevent her best friends Kim and Cass from killing – or kissing – one another. But with Ben sitting next to her in Physics looking all too gorgeous, Katelyn’s spirit dogging her steps, and her obsessive snow-globe collecting therapist begging her to remember all the things she wants to forget, Aspen is thrust into a vivid, challenging world she can’t control … and doesn’t want to.

A darkly funny, emotionally gripping story of opening up, letting go, and moving on, ASPEN is about the best-worst accident of your life … and what comes next.



Britt Nunes

Words and Worlds

Unquenchable Reads

Unable to quench my thirst for reading


A Work-in-Progress Book Blog.


where nerding out is totally acceptable.

Lynette Noni

Embrace The Wonder

Brittney Reads

Books, books and more books.


Reviews, recommendations, and the importance of Young Adult novels to young adults

Forged Empires

Books | Reading | Libraries | Publishing